منتديات اليسير للمكتبات وتقنية المعلومات » منتديات اليسير العامة » منتدى الإجراءات الفنية والخدمات المكتبية » كيفية تصنيف الادب الامريكى فى خطة ديوى22

منتدى الإجراءات الفنية والخدمات المكتبية اكتب في هذا المنتدى تساؤلاتك ومشاكلك المتعلقة بالفهرسة والتصنيف وغيرهما من الإجراءات الفنية ، أو الموضوعات المتعلقة بالخدمات التي يمكن أن تقدمها المكتبة.

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أدوات الموضوع التقييم: تقييم الموضوع: 6 تصويتات, المعدل 5.00. انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم Apr-08-2005, 05:21 AM   المشاركة1

مكتبي مثابر

ayat غير متواجد حالياً
العضوية: 9497
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2005
الدولة: مصـــر
المشاركات: 31
بمعدل : 0.00 يومياً

افتراضي كيفية تصنيف الادب الامريكى فى خطة ديوى22

الاخوة الاعزاء اعضاء المنتدى بعد التحية سبق وان قدمنا تعديل مبسط لكيفية تصنيف الاداب فى خطة ديوى الطبعة 22 , واليوم اقدم لكم نفس التعديل للاداب باللغة الانجليزية , وتمكن اهمية هذا التعديل فى ان كل الطبعات العربية لخطة ديوى تقوم بدمج الادب الانجليزى مع الادب الامريكى فى الرقم 820 بعد تخصيص الرقم 810 للادب العربي وهذا الدمج يعبر عن جهل واضح لخصوصية كل ادب واختلاف العصور الادبية من ادب لأخر , والتعديل الذى نقترحه هنا ليس ابتكارا من عندى بل هو تطبيق لتعليمات خطة ديوى والتى تنص على امكانية تخصيص القسم الاول من الاداب للادب المحلى ودمج الادب الانجليزى مع الادب الامريكى فى الرقم 820 على ان يتم التمميز بينهما عن طريق وضع حرف A قبل الرقم 820 للدلالة على الادب الامريكى ,بينما يترك الرقم 820 بدون رموز للدلالة على الادب الانجليزى .وكما قمنا فى الادب العربى سابقا , فقد قمت باعادة كتابة الادب الامريكى مع دمج التعليمات الخاصة بالاضافة من القوائم الخاصة بالادب وذلك لكى لايتكبد المصنف عناء الرجوع الى القوائم وسوف اقوم عما قريب بارسال نفس التعديل للادب الانجليزى وكلى امل ان ينال اعجابكم وفى انتظار تعليقاتكم American literature in English(With table 3 B) Table 3-B. Subdivisions for Works by or about More than One Author Table 3-B is followed and supplemented by Table 3-C, which provides additional elements for building numbers within Table 3-B Procedures for building numbers for works by or about more than one author, limited to literatures of specific languages:1- Look in the schedule 810-890 to find the base number for the language. The base is the number given for the literature, e.g., Dutch-language literature 839.31. If there is a specific literary form,go to step 2; if not, go to step 82- In Table 3-B find the subdivision for the literary form, e.g., poetry -1. Add this to the base number, e.g., English poetry 821, Dutch poetry 839.311. If the literary form appears as a subdivision of T3B-8 Miscellaneous writings, go to the instructions under T3B-8.If the work deals with poetry, drama, fiction, or speech of specific media, scopes, kinds for which there is special notation in Table 3-B (e.g., T3B--1042 sonnets), go to step 3. For other works that deal with or fall within a limited time span (fewer than three literary periods--unless a single century spans three literary periods, then a single century), go to step 4. For other works not limited by time period, go to step 73 Use the notation in Table 3-B for the kind of poetry, drama, fiction, or speech, e.g., sonnets in English literature 821.042. Insert a point after the third digit. Check whether the specific form is (1) the sole kind in a heading identified by * or (2) is named in a subdivisions-are-added note as a kind for which subdivisions may be added or (3) appears in a class-here note under a heading identified by *. If none of these conditions holds, the number is complete, e.g., collections of English-language clerihews 821.07. If one of the three conditions does hold, follow the instructions in the table under T3B--102-108 in Table 3-B. Following these instructions will involve using Table 3-C for literature of specific periods, literature displaying specific features or emphasizing specific subjects, and literature for and by specific kinds of persons, e.g., collections of English sonnets 821.04208, collections of English sonnets about love 821.0420835434- Turn back to the appropriate number in the schedule 810-890 to see whether there is an applicable period table. If there is one, go to step 5; if not, complete the class number by inserting a point between the third and fourth digits, e.g., 20th-century drama in English by New Zealand authors 822, Khmer (Cambodian) poetry by 20th-century authors 895.9321 ( Option: Where two or more countries share the same language, either [1] use initial letters to distinguish the separate countries, or [2] use the special number designated for literatures of those countries that are not preferred. Either option makes feasible the use of period tables for affiliated literatures, e.g., 20th-century drama in English by New Ze- -aland authors NZ822.2 or 828.993322. Full instructions appear under 810.1-.899. If the option is used, go to step 5 )5- Select the appropriate period number. Add this number to the number already derived, e.g., English poetry of the Elizabethan period 821.3; always insert a point after the third digit. Go to step 6 6- Under the number for the literary form in Table 3-B, go to the subdivisions for specific periods, e.g., underT3B-1 for poetry go to T3B-11-19.Follow the instructions given there, which will lead to use of the table under T3B--1-8. For literature displaying specific features, literature emphasizing subjects, and literature for and by specific kinds of persons, the instructions at T3B--1-8 will lead to use of Table 3-C, e.g., critical appraisal of idealism in English Elizabethan poetry 821.309137- If the work is not limited by time period, go to the first subdivisions under the particular form in Table 3-B, e.g., under T3B--1 for poetry go to T3B--1001-1009. Follow the instructions given there, which will lead to use of the table under T3B-1-8. For literature displaying specific features, literature emphasizing subjects, and literature for and by specific kinds of persons, the instructions at T3B--1-T3B--8 will lead to use of Table 3-C, e.g., collections of English poetry about war 821.0080358, collections of English poetry by rural authors 821.0080917348- If the work is not limited to a specific literary form, consult T3B-01-09 in. Follow the instructions at the number selected, making use of Table 3-C when specified, e.g., collections of English literature in many forms about holidays 820.80334. Use period notation T3B-08001-9 andT3B--09001-9 only if there is an applicable period table The procedures described above require the use of schedule 810-890, Table 3-B, and Table 3-C in varying order. Sometimes also other tables are used. Example: 82 English (810-890) 1 poetry (Table 3-B) 914 of later 20th century (810-890) 080 collections (Table 3-B) 32 about places (Table 3-C) 4253 Lincolnshire (Table 2) Thus, collections of contemporary English-language poetry about Lincolnshire 821.914080324253 Note that literary form T3B--8 Miscellaneous writings is arranged first by period and then by specific miscellaneous forms Instructions in the use of notation from Table 3-B for rhetoric in specific literary forms, collections of literary texts from more than two literatures, and history, description, critical appraisal of more than two literatures are found in 808-809ِِA820 American literature in English English-language literature of North America, South America, Hawaii,and associated islands Class comprehensive works on American literature in English and English literature in 820) Option: To give local emphasis and a shorter number to a specific literature other than American literature in English, e.g., Afrikaans literature, class it here; in that case class American literature in English in A820. Other options are described under 810-890 ) Except for modifications shown below, add to base number A82 as instructed at beginning of Table 3, e.g., a collection of American poetry in English A821.008ِA820.1-A828 Subdivisions of American literature in English Special interpretations of and exceptions to notation from Table 3 for use with American literature in English: A820.8099 Collections for and by persons resident in Hawaii A820.999 History, description, critical appraisal of literature for and by persons resident in Hawaii Assign period numbers for the United States (including Puerto Rico), for Canada, for comprehensive works on American literature in English PERIOD TABLES FOR AMERICAN LITERATURE IN ENGLISH For United States 1 Colonial period, 1607-1776 2 1776-1829 3 1830--1861 Class here 19th century 4 1861--1899 5 1900 --1999 52 1900-1945 54 1945-1999 6 2000- Class comprehensive works in A820 ( Option: Distinguish literatures of specific countries by initial letters, e.g., literature of Canada C820, of Jamaica J820, of United States A820; or class literatures not requiring local emphasis in A829. If literatures are identified by one of these methods, assign period numbers for Middle and South American literature as well as for United States and Canadian literature. Other options are described under 820-890 ) Standard subdivisions (are nevr added for individual authors) see vol.1 p.406 Numbers built according to instructions under A820.1-A828 and at beginning of Table 3A820 American literature in English .1-9 Standard subdivisions .1 Philosophy and theory .2 Miscellany .3 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances .4 Special topics Use this subdivision only when it is specifically set forth in the schedules. .5 Serial publications Regardless of frequency .6 Organizations and management .7 Education, research, related topics .8 Collections of literary texts in more than one form Class history, description, critical appraisal of a specific literature in T3B-09 .801-08099 Add to A820.80 notation T3C-001-99 , e.g., texts and criticism of American literary works about war A820.80358 .801 Arts and literature displaying specific qualities of style, mood, viewpoint .8011 Nontraditional viewpoints Including impressionism .80112 Modernism .80113 Postmodernism .80114 Futurism .80115 Expressionism .80116 Dadaism and surrealism .801162 Dadaism .801163 Surrealism .8012 Realism and naturalism Including determinism .8013 Idealism .8014 Classicism and romanticism Class pastoral arts and literature in T3C-0321734 .80142 Classicism .80145 Romanticism Including primitivism .8015 Symbolism, allegory, fantasy, myth .8016 Tragedy and horror .80162 Tragedy For tragedy as a kind of drama, see T3B-20512 .80164 Horror For horror fiction, see T3B-308738 A820.8017 Comedy Class humor and satire in two or more literary forms in T3B-7 For comedy as a kind of drama, see T3B-20523 .8018 Irony .802 Literature displaying specific elements .8022 Description Including setting .8023 Narrative .8024 Plot .8025 Stream of consciousness .8026 Dialogue .8027 Characters Including the "double" (Doppelganger) in literature .803 Arts and literature dealing with specific themes and subjects .8032 Places Class here landscapes, civilization of places Add to A820.8032 notation T2-1-9 , e.g., the Egypt A820.803262 Class western fiction as a type of fiction in T3B-30874 class historical and political themes, events in specific places in T3C-358 For supernatural, mythological, legendary places, see T3C-372 .8033 Times Including seasons; parts of day, e.g., dawn Class time as a philosophic concept in T3C--384 .80334 Holidays Including religious holidays, e.g., Christmas .8035 Humanity Including the human form Class here human existence, works dealing with contemporary viewpoints .80351 Specific persons Real, fictional, legendary, mythological persons Including Count Dracula, Don Juan, Faust, Joan of Arc, Job, Julius Caesar, King Arthur, Odysseus, Pierrot .80352 Specific kinds of persons Including heroes Add to T3C-352 notation T7-03-99 , e.g., women T3C-352042 .80353-.080358 Specific human, social, scientific, technical, artistic, literary, historical,political themes .80353 Human characteristics and activities Biological, moral, psychological aspects Including alienationالنفور, chivalryالشهامة, dreams, fear, friendship, happiness heroism, justice, melancholyالاكتئاب, mental illness, personal beauty, pride,, sexual orientation, snobbishnessالتكبر, success .803538 Sex Class here erotica, sexuality Class sexual orientation الميول in T3C-353 .80354 Life cycle Including birth, youth, aging .803543 Love and marriage .803548 Death .80355 Social themes Including commerce, costume, crime, dancing, dwellings, economics, education, environment, exile, food, law, sports, travel, violence, work Class here everyday lifeA820.80356 Scientific and technical themes Including flight, medicine, ships Class science fiction in literature in T3B-308762 in Table 3-B; class science fiction in the arts in T3C-15 For physical and natural phenomena, see T3C-36 .80357 Artistic and literary themes Including architecture, books, music, painting .80358 Historical and political themes Including nationalism, peace, war Class here historical events in specific places .8036 Physical and natural phenomena Including fire, weather Class landscapes in T3C-32; class times (e.g., seasons, times of day) in T3C-33 .80362 Animals Add to base number T3C-362 the numbers following 59 in 592-599, e.g., cats T3C-3629752 Class supernatural, mythological, legendary animals in T3C-374 .80364 Plants Class here gardens Class supernatural, mythological, legendary plants in T3C-37 .8037 The supernatural, mythological, legendary Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading Including spiritualism, magic, witchcraft Class here monsters Class specific legendary and mythological persons in T3C-351; class specific kinds of legendary and mythological persons in T3C-352; class religious mythology in T3C-3829113 .80372 Places Including Atlantis, utopia Class religious treatment of places associated with life after death in T3C-3829123T3C-374 Animals Including dragons, werewolves .80375 Paranatural beings of human and semihuman form Including centaurs, fairies, ghosts, vampires Class gods, goddesses, other objects of worship and veneration in T3C-382 For ghost fiction as a kind of fiction, see T3B-308733 in Table 3-B; for specific paranatural beings of human and semihuman form, seeT3C-351; for werewolves, see T3C-374 .8038 Philosophic and abstract themes .80382 Religious themes Add to base number T3C-382 the numbers following 2 in 210-290, e.g., Buddhism T3C-382943 ; however, for religious holidays, see T3B-334; for specific persons connected with religion, see T3C-351; for kinds of persons associated with religion, see T3C-3522 See also T3C-42 for religious works not basically belletristic but discussed as literature .80384 Philosophic themes Including existentialism, humanism, nihilism, self, time, transcendentalism Class times (e.g., seasons, times of day) in T3C-33; class human moral qualities and activities in T3C-353 .804 Literature emphasizing subjects Works not basically belletristic discussed as literature, where the real interest is in the literary quality of the text rather than the subject of the text Add to T3C-4 notation 001-999, e.g., religious works as liter- -ature T3C-42, biography as literature T3C-492 Class literary examination of a text in order to reach conclusions about its meaning, structure, authorship, date, where the real interest is in the subject of the text with the text, e.g., literary criticism of Bible 220.66A820.808-0809 Literature for and by specific kinds of persons .808 Literature for and by persons of racial, ethnic, national groups Add to A820.808 notation T5-03-99,e.g., literature by Africans and persons of African descent T3C-896, literature by Africans and persons of African descent in Brazil T3C-896081 Literature for and by persons of racial, ethnic, national groups in continents, countries, localities where the groups predominate relocated to T3C-93-99 .809 Literature for and by other specific kinds of persons .8091 Literature for and by persons resident in specific regions Not limited by continent, country, locality Add to A820.8091 the numbers following T2-1 in notation T2-11-19 e.g., literature by rural authors A820.8091734 Class literature for and by persons of racial, ethnic, national groups in T3C-8; class literature for and by persons resident in specific continents, countries, localities in T3C-93-99 .8092 Literature for and by persons of specific classes .809204-9279 Persons of specific occupational and miscellaneous characteristics Add to T3C-92 notation T7-04-79, e.g., literature by painters A820.809275 .80928 Persons of specific age groups and sexes .809282-85 Age groups Class comprehensive works in A820.80928 .809282 Children .8092826 Boys .8092827 Girls .809283 Young people twelve to twenty .8092836 Males twelve to twenty .8092837 Females twelve to twenty .809285 Persons in late adulthood .809286-9287 Sexes Class comprehensive works in A820.80928 .809286 Men .809287 Women .80929 Persons occupied with geography, history, related disciplines Add to T3C-929 the numbers following T7-9 in notation T7-91-99 ,e.g., literature by archaeologists A820.809293 .8093-8099 Literature for and by persons resident in specific continents, countries, localities Class here literature for and by persons of racial, ethnic, national groups in continents, countries, localities where the groups predominate [formerly T3C-8] Add to T3C-9 notation T2-9 , e.g., literature (other than in Japanese language) by residents of Japan T3C-952, a collection of Japanese-language literature by residents of Hokkaido 895.60809524, a collection of American literature by residents of Australia A820.80994 Class literature for and by persons of racial, ethnic, national groups not dominant in their continents, countries, localities in A820.808 class literature for and by persons in specific regions not limited by continent, country, locality in A820.809A820.9 History, description, critical appraisal of works in more than one form Class here collected biography .90001- 90008 Standard subdivisions .90009 Historical and geographic treatment .9001- 9009 Literature from specific periods Add to T3B--0900 notation from the period table for the specific literature, e.g., earliest period T3B--09001. If there is no applicable period table, this provision for indicating period cannot be used, e.g., history of literature in Spanish by Chilean authors of early 20th century 860.9 (not 860.9001), history of early Cornish literature 891.6709 Option: Use notation from the period table for an affiliated literature, e.g., history of literature in Spanish by Chilean authors of early 20th century Ch860.90042 or 868.9933090042. .91-99 Literature displaying specific features or emphasizing subjects, and for and by specific kinds of persons Add to A820. 9 notation T3C1-9 e.g., history and description of literature on Faust A820.935A821 Poetry1- فى حالة عدم وجود فترة زمنية للعمل .001-009 Standard subdivisions; collections; history, description, critical appraisal Add to A821.008 as instructed the numbers following A820.80 from 1 to 99, e.g; collections of poetry dealing with places A821.008032; a serial consisting equally of literary texts and history, description, critical appraisal of poetry in English A821.005 .02-08 Specific kinds of poetry Limited to the kinds provided for below Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to each subdivision identified by * as follows: .02 *Dramatic poetry Including dramatic monologues .0201-0207 Standard subdivisions Standard subdivisions are used for general works consisting equally of literary texts and history, description, critical appraisal, e.g., a serial consisting equally of literary texts and history, description, critical appraisal of Dramatic poetry in English A821.0205. Works limited to specific topics found in Table 3-C are classed in 08, plus notation from Table 3-C Class collections of literary texts in 08; class history, description, critical appraisal in 09A821.0208 Collections of literary texts Add toA821.0208 the numbers following A820.80 from 1to 99 ,,e.g.,collections of Dramatic poetry dealingwithplaces A821.020832 ,collections of English sonnets of the Elizabethan period 821.0420801 Works consisting equally of literary texts and history, description, critical appraisal of the form in a specific kind are classed here if limited to specific topics found in Table 3-C, e.g., texts and criticism of narrative poems about war T3B10308358 .0209 History, description, critical appraisal Class here collected biography Add toA821.0209 the numbers following A820.80 from 1to 99 , e.g., critical appraisal of works by children 099282, critical appraisal of 20th century French lyric poetry 841.0409091 Follow the instructions under 08 for works consisting equally of literarytexts and history, description, critical appraisal .03 *Narrative poetry Including fabliaux *Add as shown in A821.0201-0209 .032 *Epic poetry *Add as shown in A821.0201-0209 .033 *Medieval metrical romances *Add as shown in A821.0201-0209 .04 *Lyric and balladic poetry Including concrete poetry Class here poetry of minnesingers and troubadours Subdivisions are added for lyric and balladic poetry together,for lyric poetry alone *Add as shown in A821.0201-0209 .041 *Haiku *Add as shown in A821.0201-0209 .042 *Sonnets *Add as shown in A821.0201-0209 .043 *Odes *Add as shown in A821.0201-0209 .044 *Ballads *Add as shown in A821.0201-0209 .05 *Didactic poetry *Add as shown in A821.0201-0209 .07 *Humorous and satirical poetry Including clerihews Subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading Class humor and satire in two or more literary forms, including both verse and prose, in T3B-7 *Add as shown in A821.0201-0209 .075 *Limericks *Add as shown in A821.0201-0209 .08 *Ephemeral and light verse Including greeting card verse Subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading Class humorous poetry in T3B--107 *Add as instructed under A821.0201-0209 1-- فى حالة وجود فترة زمنية للعمل الادبى .1- 9 Poetry of specific periods Add to A821 notation from the period table , e.g.,Colonial period, 1 ; then add 0 and to the result add as instructed under T3B-1-8,e.g.,collections from the Colonial period dealing with places A821.108032 If there is no applicable period table, add nothing to 1 .1 Colonial period, 1607-1776 .1080 collection .10801 Arts and literature displaying specific qualities of style, mood, viewpoint .108011 Nontraditional viewpoints Including impressionismA821.1080112 Modernism .1080113 Postmodernism .1080114 Futurism .1080115 Expressionism .1080116 Dadaism and surrealism .10801162 Dadaism .10801163 Surrealism .108012 Realism and naturalism Including determinism .108013 Idealism .108014 Classicism and romanticism Class pastoral arts and literature in T3C--321734 .1080142 Classicism .1080145 Romanticism Including primitivism .108015 Symbolism, allegory, fantasy, myth .108016 Tragedy and horror .1080162 Tragedy For tragedy as a kind of drama, see T3B--20512 in Table 3-B .1080164 Horror For horror fiction, see T3B--308738 in Table 3-B .108017 Comedy Class humor and satire in two or more literary forms in T3B-7 For comedy as a kind of drama, see T3B-20523 .108018 Irony .10802 Literature displaying specific elements .108022 Description Including setting .108023 Narrative .108024 Plot .108025 Stream of consciousness .108026 Dialogue .108027 Characters Including the "double" (Doppelganger) in literature .10803 Arts and literature dealing with specific themes and subjects .108014 Classicism and romanticism Class pastoral arts and literature in T3C-321734 .1080142 Classicism .108014 Romanticism Including primitivism .108015 Symbolism, allegory, fantasy, myth .108016 Tragedy and horror .1080162 Tragedy For tragedy as a kind of drama, see T3B-20512 .1080164 Horror For horror fiction, see T3B--308738 in Table 3-B .108017 Comedy Class humor and satire in two or more literary forms in T3B-7 For comedy as a kind of drama, see T3B-20523 .108018 Irony .10802 Literature displaying specific elements .108022 Description Including settingA821.108023 Narrative .108024 Plot .108025 Stream of consciousness .108026 Dialogue .108027 Characters Including the "double" (Doppelganger) in literature .10803 Arts and literature dealing with specific themes and subjects .108032 Places Class here landscapes, civilization of places Add to T3C-32 notation T2-1-9 , e.g., the sea -32162 Class western fiction as a type of fiction in T3B-30874 class historical and political themes, events in specific places in T3C-358 For supernatural, mythological, legendary places, see T3C-372 .108033 Times Including seasons; parts of day, e.g., dawn Class time as a philosophic concept in T3C-384 .1080334 Holidays Including religious holidays, e.g., Christmas .108035 Humanity Including the human form Class here human existence, works dealing with contemporary viewpoints .1080351 Specific persons Real, fictional, legendary, mythological persons Including Count Dracula, Don Juan, Faust, Joan of Arc, Job, Julius Caesar, King Arthur, Odysseus, Pierrot .1080352 Specific kinds of persons Including heroes Add to T3C-352 notation T7-03-99 , e.g., women T3C-352042 .1080353-.080358 Specific human, social, scientific, technical, artistic, literary, historical,political themes .1080353 Human characteristics and activities Biological, moral, psychological aspects Including alienationالنفور, chivalryالشهامة, dreams, fear, friendship, happiness heroism, justice, melancholyالاكتئاب, mental illness, personal beauty, pride,, sexual orientation, snobbishnessالتكبر, success .10803538 Sex Class here erotica, sexuality Class sexual orientation in T3C-353 .1080354 Life cycle Including birth, youth, aging .10803543 Love and marriage .10803548 Death .1080355 Social themes Including commerce, costume, crime, dancing, dwellings, economics, education, environment, exile, food, law, sports, travel, violence, work Class here everyday life .1080356 Scientific and technical themes Including flight, medicine, ships Class science fiction in literature in T3B--308762 in Table 3-B; class science fiction in the arts in T3C--15 For physical and natural phenomena, see T3C--36 .1080357 Artistic and literary themes Including architecture, books, music, paintingA821.1080358 Historical and political themes Including nationalism, peace, war Class here historical events in specific places .108036 Physical and natural phenomena Including fire, weather Class landscapes in T3C-32; class times (e.g., seasons, times of day) in T3C-33 .1080362 Animals Add to base number A821.1080362 the numbers following 59 in 592-599, e.g., cats A821.10803629752 Class supernatural, mythological, legendary animals in T3C--374 .1080364 Plants Class here gardens Class supernatural, mythological, legendary plants in T3C-37 .108037 The supernatural, mythological, legendary Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading Including spiritualism, magic, witchcraft Class here monsters Class specific legendary and mythological persons in T3C-351; class specific kinds of legendary and mythological persons in T3C-352; class religious mythology in T3C-3829113 .1080372 Places Including Atlantis, utopia Class religious treatment of places associated with life after death in T3C-3829123 T3C-374 Animals Including dragons, werewolves .1080375 Paranatural beings of human and semihuman form Including centaurs, fairies, ghosts, vampiresمصاص الدماء Class gods, goddesses, other objects of worship and veneration in T3C-382 For ghost fiction as a kind of fiction, see T3B-308733 for specific paranatural beings of human and semihuman form, seeT3C-351; for werewolves, see T3C--374 .108038 Philosophic and abstract themes .1080382 Religious themes Add to base number T3C--382 the numbers following 2 in 210-290, e.g., Buddhism T3C-382943 ; however, for religious holidays, see T3B-334; for specific persons connected with religion, see T3C-351; for kinds of persons associated with religion, see T3C-3522 SeeT3C-42 for religious works not basically belletristic but discussed as literature .1080384 Philosophic themes Including existentialism, humanism, nihilism, self, time, transcendentalism Class times (e.g., seasons, times of day) in T3C-33; class human moral qualities and activities in T3C-353 .10804 Literature emphasizing subjects Works not basically belletristic discussed as literature, where the real interest is in the literary quality of the text rather than the subject of the text Add to T3C-4 notation 001-999, e.g., religious works as liter- -ature T3C-42, biography as literature T3C-492 Class literary examination of a text in order to reach conclusions about its meaning, structure, authorship, date, where the real interest is in the subject of the text with the text, e.g., literary criticism of Bible 220.66 .10808-10809 Literature for and by specific kinds of persons Do not use if redundant, e.g., collections of English-language poetry for and by the English 821.008 (not 821.0080821)A821.10808 Literature for and by persons of racial, ethnic, national groups Add to T3C-8 notation T5-03-99 , e.g., literature by Africans and persons of African descent T3C-896, literature by Africans and persons of African descent in Brazil T3C-896081 Literature for and by persons of racial, ethnic, national groups in continents, countries, localities where the groups predominate relocated to T3C-93-99 .10809 Literature for and by other specific kinds of persons .108091 Literature for and by persons resident in specific regions Not limited by continent, country, locality Add to T3C-91 the numbers following T2-1 in notation T2-11-19 e.g., literature by rural authors T3C-91734 Class literature for and by persons of racial, ethnic, national groups in T3C-8; class literature for and by persons resident in specific continents, countries, localities in T3C-93-99 .108092 Literature for and by persons of specific classes .10809204-9279 Persons of specific occupational and miscellaneous characteristics Add to T3C-92 notation T7-04-79 from ,e.g.,literature by painters T3C-9275 .1080928 Persons of specific age groups and sexes .10809282-9285 Age groups Class comprehensive works in T3C--928 .10809282 Children .108092826 Boys .108092827 Girls .10809283 Young people twelve to twenty .108092836 Males twelve to twenty .108092837 Females twelve to twenty .10809285 Persons in late adulthood .10809286-9287 Sexes Class comprehensive works in A821.1080928 .10809286 Men .10809287 Women .1080929 Persons occupied with geography, history, related disciplines Add to A821.1080929 the numbers following T7-9 in notation T7-91-99 , e.g., literature by archaeologists A821.10809293 .108093-99 Literature for and by persons resident in specific continents, countries, localities Add to A821.1080 notation T2-93-99 .2 1776-1829 .2080 collection Add to A821.2080 the numbers following A821.1080 from –1 to 99 .3 1830--1861 Class here 19th century .3080 collection Add to A821.3080 the numbers following A821.1080 from –1 to 99 .4 1861—1899 .4080 collection Add to A821.4080 the numbers following A821.1080 from –1 to 99 .5 1900 –1999 .5080 collection Add to A821.5080 the numbers following A821.1080 from –1 to 99 .52 1900-1945 A821.52080 collection Add to A821.52080 the numbers following A821.1080 from –1 to 99 .54 1945-1999 .54080 collection Add to A821.54080 the numbers following A821.1080 from –1 to 99 .6 2000- .6080 collection Add to A821.6080 the numbers following A821.1080 from –1 to 99A822 Drama 1- فى حالة عدم وجود فترة زمنية للعمل الادبى Class here closet drama, drama written in poetry .001- 009 Standard subdivisions; collections; history, description, critical appraisal Add toA822.00 as shown in A821.001-8, e.g., collections of drama dealing with places A822.008032 .02- 05 Drama of specific media, scopes, kinds Add to each subdivision identified by * as instructed under T3B-102-108 , e.g., collections of comedies dealing with places T3B--205230832 Class comprehensive works in A822.02 .02-203 Drama for mass media Class comprehensive works in A822.02 .02 Drama for radio and television .022 *Drama for radio .0201-0207 Standard subdivisions *Add as instructed under A821.0201-0209 .025 *Drama for television *Add as instructed under A821.0201-0209 .03 *Drama for motion pictures *Add as instructed under A821.0201-0209 .04 Drama of restricted scope Class drama of restricted scope for mass media in T3B--202-203 .041 *One-act plays Including interludes, sketches *Add as instructed under A821.0201-0209 .045 *Monologues *Add as instructed under A821.0201-0209 .05 *Specific kinds of drama Limited to the kinds provided for below Including masques Class specific kinds of drama for mass media in A822.02- 3; class specific kinds of drama of restricted scope in A822.04 .051 *Serious drama Class here Nõ plays *Add as instructed under A821.0201-0209 .0512 *Tragedy Class tragicomedy in A822.0523 *Add as instructed under A821.0201-0209 .0514 *Historical drama *Add as instructed under A821.0201-0209 .0516 *Religious and morality plays Not limited to medieval plays Class here miracle, mystery, passion plays Subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading *Add as instructed under A821.0201-0209 A822.052 *Comedy and melodrama *Add as instructed under A821.0201-0209 .0523 *Comedy Including tragicomedy Class humor and satire in two or more literary forms, including both verse and prose, in T3B-7 *Add as instructed under A821.0201-0209 .05232 *Farce *Add as instructed under A821.0201-0209 .0527 *Melodrama Including modern detective and mystery (suspense) drama *Add as instructed under A821.0201-0209 .057 *Variety drama Use of this number for miscellaneous drama discontinued; class in T3B--2 *Add as instructed under A821.0201-0209 .1- 9 Drama of specific periods 1- فى حالة وجود فترة زمنية .1 Colonial period, 1607-1776 .1080 collection Add to A822.1080 the numbers followingA821.1080 from –1 to 99 ..2 1776-1829 Add to A822.2080 the numbers followingA821.1080 from –1 to 99 .3 1830--1861 Class here 19th century Add to A822.3080 the numbers followingA821.1080 from –1 to 99 .4 1861—1899 Add to A821.4080 the numbers followingA821.1080 from –1 to 99 .5 1900 –1999 Add to A821.5080 the numbers followingA821.1080 from –1 to 99 .52 1900-1945 Add to A821.52080 the numbers followingA821.1080 from –1 to 99 .54 1945-1999 Add to A821.54080 the numbers followingA821.1080 from –1 to 99 .6 2000- Add to A821.6080 the numbers followingA821.1080 from –1 to 991- فى حالة عدم وجود فترة زمنية للعمل الادبىA823 Fiction Class here novelettes and novels Class graphic novels (cartoon or comic strip novels) in 741.5 .001- 009 Standard subdivisions; collections; history, description, critical appraisal Add to A823.00 as instructed under T3B-1-8, e.g., collections of fiction dealing with places T3B-3008032 .01- 08 Fiction of specific scopes and kinds Add to each subdivision identified by * as instructed under T3B-102-108, e.g., collections of short stories dealing with places A823.010832 Class comprehensive works in A823 .01 *Short stories Class short stories of specific kinds in T3B-308 *Add as instructed under T3B-102-108 .08 Specific kinds of fiction Limited to the kinds provided for belowA823.081 *Historical and period fiction *Add as instructed under T3B-102-108 .083 *Psychological, realistic, sociological fiction *Add as instructed under T3B-102-108 .085 *Love and romance Modern romantic fiction Class medieval prose romances in T3B-3 *Add as instructed under T3B-102-108 .087 *Adventure fiction .0872 *Detective, mystery, suspense, spy, Gothic fiction *Add as instructed under T3B-102-108 .08729 *Gothic fiction *Add as instructed under T3B-102-108 .0873 *Ghost and horror fiction *Add as instructed under T3B-102-108 .08733 *Ghost fiction *Add as instructed under T3B-102-108 .08738 *Horror fiction *Add as instructed under T3B-102-108 .0874 *Western fiction *Add as instructed under T3B-102-108 .0876 *Science and fantasy fiction *Add as instructed under T3B-102-108 .08762 *Science fiction *Add as instructed under T3B-102-108 .08766 *Fantasy fiction *Add as instructed under T3B-102-1082- فى حالة وجود فترة زمنية للعمل الادبى.1- 9 Fiction of specific periods Add to A823 notation from the period table , e.g., Colonial period, A823.1 ; then add 0 and to the result add further as instructed under T3B-1-8, e.g., critical appraisal of fiction of earliest period A823.109 Observe restrictions on use of period notation given at T3B-11-19 Class specific scopes and kinds from specific periods in T3B-301-308 .1 Colonial period, 1607-1776 Add to A823.1080 the numbers following A821.1080 from –1 to 99 ..2 1776-1829 .3 1830--1861 Class here 19th century .4 1861--1899 .5 1900 --1999 .52 1900-1945 .54 1945-1999 .6 2000-A824 Essays 1- فى حالة عدم وجود فترة زمنية . 001- 4009 Standard subdivisions; collections; history, description, critical appraisal Add to ِ824.00 as instructed under T3B-1-8, e.g., collections of essays dealing with places ِ824.008032 2- فى حالة وجود فترة زمنية A824.1- 9 Essays of specific periods Add to Aِ824 notation from the period table , e.g., Colonial period Aِِِ824.1 ; then add 0 and to the result add further as instructed under T3B-1-8, e.g., critical appraisal of essays of the Colonial period A824.109 Observe restrictions on use of period notation given at T3B-11-19 .1 Colonial period, 1607-1776 Add to A824.1080 the numbers followingA821.1080 from –1 to 99 ..2 1776-1829 .3 1830--1861 Class here 19th century .4 1861--1899 .5 1900 --1999 .52 1900-1945 .54 1945-1999 .6 2000-A825 Speeches1- فى حالة عدم وجود فترة زمنية .001- 009 Standard subdivisions; collections; history, description, critical appraisal Add toA825.00 as instructed under T3B-1-8, e.g., collections of speeches dealing with places A825.008032 .01- 06 Specific kinds of speeches Limited to the kinds provided for below Add to each subdivision identified by * as instructed under T3B-102-108, e.g., collections of recitations dealing with places A825.040832 Class comprehensive works in A825 .01 *Public speeches (Oratory) Including after-dinner, platform, radio speeches; speeches and toasts for special occasions .For debates and public discussions, see A825.03 *Add as instructed under T3B-102-108 .03 *Debates and public discussions *Add as instructed under T3B-102-108 .04 *Recitations *Add as instructed under T3B-102-108 .05 *Texts for choral speaking *Add as instructed under T3B-102-108 .06 *Conversations *Add as instructed under T3B-102-1081- فى حالة وجود فترة زمنية للعمل الادبى .1- 9 Speeches of specific periods Add to A825 notation from the period table,e.g., Colonial period 1 ; then add 0 and to the result add further as instructed under T3B-1-8, e.g., critical appraisal of speeches of the earliest period A825.109 Observe restrictions on use of period notation given at T3B-11-19 Class specific kinds from specific periods in T3B-501-506 .1 Colonial period, 1607-1776 Add to A825.1080 the numbers followingA821.1080 from –1 to 99 ..2 1776-1829 .3 1830--1861 Class here 19th century .4 1861--1899 .5 1900 --1999 .52 1900-1945 .54 1945-1999 .6 2000A826 Letters 1- فى حالة عدم وجود فترة زمنية للعمل الادبى .001- 6009 Standard subdivisions; collections; history, description, critical appraisal Add to A826.00 as instructed under T3B-1-8, e.g., collections of letters dealing with places A826.008032 2- فى حالة وجود فترة زمنية للعمل الادبى .1-9 Letters of specific periods Add to A826 notation from the period table , e.g., Colonial period,A826.1 ; then add 0 and to the result add further as instructed under T3B-1-8, e.g., critical appraisal of letters of the earliest period T3B-6109 Observe restrictions on use of period notation given at T3B-11-19 .1 Colonial period, 1607-1776 Add to A826.1080 the numbers following A821.1080 from –1 to 99 ..2 1776-1829 .3 1830--1861 Class here 19th century .4 1861--1899 .5 1900 --1999 .52 1900-1945 .54 1945-1999 .6 2000A827 Humor and satire1- فى حالة عدم وجود فترة زمنية للعمل الادبى Limited to collections and criticism of works in two or more literary forms including both verse and prose Class here parody See also A828.08 for humor and satire in two or more prose forms .001-7009 Standard subdivisions; collections; history, description, critical appraisal Add to T3B--700 as instructed under T3B-1-8, e.g.,collections of humor and satire dealing with places A827.008032 2- فى حالة عدم وجود فترة زمنية للعمل الادبى .1-79 Humor and satire of specific periods Add to A827 notation from the period , e.g., earliest period A827.1 ; then add 0 and to the result add further as instructed under T3B-1-8, e.g., critical appraisal of humor and satire of the earliest period T3B-7109 Observe restrictions on use of period notation given at T3B-11-19 .1 Colonial period, 1607-1776 Add to A827.1080 the numbers followingA821.1080 from –1 to 99 ..2 1776-1829 .3 1830--1861 Class here 19th century .4 1861--1899 .5 1900 --1999 .52 1900-1945 .54 1945-1999 .6 2000A828 Miscellaneous writings Procedures for building numbers: 1- To the base number for the literature add notation T3B-8, e.g., miscellaneous writings in English 828. If the work covers a limited time span (fewer than three literary periods--unless a single century spans three periods, then a single century) , go to step 2; if not, go to step 4 2- Turn back to the appropriate number in the schedule 810-890 to see whether there is an applicable period table. If there is one, go to step 3; if not, go to step 4 3- Select the appropriate period number, e.g., the Victorian period in the English literature of Great Britain 8. Then follow the instructions under T3B-81-89 4- If the work does not cover a limited time period, or if there is no applicable period table, consider whether the work is limited to one of the forms of miscellaneous writing listed in T3B-802-808. If it is limited to one of those forms, go to step 5; if not, complete the class number by inserting a point between the third and fourth digits, e.g.,miscellaneous writings in Russian from many time periods891.78,miscellaneous writings in English by 20th-century New Zealand authors 828, miscellaneous writings in Khmer (Cambodian) by 20th-century authors 895.9328 5- Class the work in the appropriate number from the span T3B-802808, then 6- complete the number by inserting a point between the third and fourth digits, e.g., prose literature in Russian from many time periods 891.7808, prose literature in English by 20th-century New Zealand authors 828.08, prose literature in Khmer (Cambodian) by 20th-century authors 895.932808 1- فى حالة عدم وجود فترة زمنية للعمل الادبىA828.001- 009 Standard subdivisions; collections; history, description, critical appraisal .02- 08 Specific kinds of miscellaneous writings Limited to kinds provided for below Class comprehensive works in A828 .02 Anecdotes, epigrams, graffiti, jokes, quotations Including riddles that are jokes Class humor and satire in two or more literary forms, including both verse and prose, in T3B--7;class riddles as folk literature, interdisciplinary works on riddles in 398.6 .03 Diaries, journals, notebooks, reminiscences Class interdisciplinary collections of diaries in 900. Class diaries, journals, notebooks, reminiscences of nonliterary authors with the appropriate subject, e.g., diary of an astronomer 520.92 .07 Works without identifiable literary form Class here experimental and nonformalized works Class experimental works with an identifiable literary form with the form , e.g., experimental novels T3B--3 .08 Prose literature Collections and discussions of works in more than one literary form Class prose without identifiable literary form in T3B--807. Class a specific form of prose literature with the form, e.g., essays T3B-4 .09 Individual authors not limited to or chiefly identifiable with one specific form

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم Apr-08-2005, 03:44 PM   المشاركة2

عبدالله الشهري
منتديات اليسير

عبدالله الشهري غير متواجد حالياً
العضوية: 2170
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2002
المشاركات: 2,009
بمعدل : 0.25 يومياً


السلام عليكم ورحمة اللهكل الشكر والتقدير على هذا الجهد الموفق.تحياتي.___________________________سُبْحَانَ كَ لاَ عِلْمَ لَنَا إِلاَّ مَا عَلَّمْتَنَا إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم Apr-09-2005, 01:27 AM   المشاركة3

مكتبي مثابر

ayat غير متواجد حالياً
العضوية: 9497
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2005
الدولة: مصـــر
المشاركات: 31
بمعدل : 0.00 يومياً


الاخ الفاضل عبد الله الشهرى اولا اود ان اشكرك على متابعتك لمشاركاتى فى هذا المنتدى الرائع . وثانيا لى عندك طلب باعتبارك المشرف على هذا المنتدى وهذا الطلب يتمثل فى اننى ابعث مشاركاتى بتنسيق معين وافاجأ عند نشرها بضياع التنسيق الامر الذى يجعلها غامضة على السادة رواد المنتدى ولذا اقترح عليك ان اقوم بأرسال مشاركاتى اليك على بريدك الالكترونى كملف مرفق وتتولى انت عرضه فى المنتدى . ولك جزيل الشكر مقدماوفوق كل ذى علم عليم

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم Apr-10-2005, 04:41 AM   المشاركة4

عبدالله الشهري
منتديات اليسير

عبدالله الشهري غير متواجد حالياً
العضوية: 2170
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2002
المشاركات: 2,009
بمعدل : 0.25 يومياً


السلام عليكم ورحمة اللهأخي الكريم أشكرك جزيل الشكر على الموضوعات المميزة التي تقدمها.بالنسبة لما تعانيه من مشاكل في عملية التنسيق ، فأرجو أن تكتب لي كل ذلك في رسالة خاصة عبر الموقع أو الأيميل مع ذكر أمثلة توضيحية ،وسوف تجد كل مساعدة بإذن الله.______________________________________سُبْحَا نَكَ لاَ عِلْمَ لَنَا إِلاَّ مَا عَلَّمْتَنَا إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ

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