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أدوات الموضوع التقييم: تقييم الموضوع: 2 تصويتات, المعدل 5.00. انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم Nov-05-2007, 11:13 PM   المشاركة1

هبه محمد
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هبه محمد غير متواجد حالياً
العضوية: 28710
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2007
الدولة: مصـــر
المشاركات: 4
بمعدل : 0.00 يومياً

قلم Inspiration

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أريد معلومات عن برنامج Inspiration وماهو أستخدامه في مجال المكتبات والمعلومات ولكم جزيل الشكر
هبه محمد

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم Mar-09-2009, 12:46 AM   المشاركة2

مكتبي جديد

haby_hobo غير متواجد حالياً
العضوية: 28342
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2007
الدولة: السعـوديّة
المشاركات: 7
بمعدل : 0.00 يومياً

افتراضي معلومات عن inspiration

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Using Inspiration 7.0 (Windows)

Inspiration is a powerful multimedia learning tool that allows students to develop ideas and organize thinking by creating webs, concept maps, and diagrams. Students can move back and forth between graphic organizers and traditional outlines. Templates are included that provide basic frameworks for writing, designing webs, and publishing reports. Teachers can design webs, outlines, Venn diagrams, progress reports, and more. The possibilities are endless. Get Inspired! Find it on the web at: http://www.inspiration.com.

Please be sure to contact the school’s instructional technology liaison to ensure the installation of Inspiration software is licensed. Any unlicensed installations are illegal and unauthorized.

Basic Features in Inspiration 7.0

In this tutorial, a graphic organizer will be created to show the author, title, main characters, setting and important events in a story.

Opening Inspiration

1. Double-click the Inspiration icon to open the Inspiration application.
2. If the words “Tip of the Day” appear, choose the Close button.
3. Inspiration opens in a Basic Template with one highlighted symbol, the Main Idea symbol, in the center of the window.

4. In the Main Idea symbol, type the title of the story or novel. The highlighted words "Main Idea" will be replaced by the title of the story being described

Adding Related Symbols

5. Click on the shaded edge of the Main Idea symbol to select it. White “handles” will surround it:
6. Find the Create button in the Toolbar at the top of the screen:
Notice the eight arrows around the button. Clicking on an arrow creates a new symbol linked in the direction of the arrow.
7. Click one of the arrows on a Create button to make a new symbol that is linked to the title (Main Idea) symbol. Type “Setting.” Notice that the link appears as an arrow between the two symbols.
8. Click the Setting symbol to select it. Click on a Create button to make a new symbol that links to the Setting symbol. In this symbol, type details about the setting of the story.
9. Click on the Main Idea symbol that now contains the title of the story.
10. Using the Create buttons, click on another arrow to create a new symbol.
11. Type “Characters” in the new symbol.
12. Use the Create buttons to make a new symbol that is linked to the Characters symbol. In the new symbol, type the names of the main characters in the story.
13. Repeat steps 9 and 10 as many times as necessary to add new symbols for each of the following:
Major Story Events
Main Problem
14. Use the Create buttons to add one or more symbols to each of the story elements just created. Type in the story details. (Note: It is best to write only one sentence or phrase per symbol.)
15. If a mistake is made, select Undo from the Edit menu in the Menu Bar, OR select the error by clicking on it and click the Delete or Backspace key.

Re-Arranging the Story Map

By now, the graphic organizer may look a bit jumbled. To arrange the organizer into an easy-to-read tree:

16. Click on the Arrange button in the toolbar at the top of the screen.
17. The Arrange Diagram dialog box will appear. Choose Right Tree in the Diagram Type frame and then click the OK button.

Now the story map is easy to read and contains all the necessary story elements.
Changing the Look or Shape of the Symbols

To change the look or shape of some of the symbols:

18. Select many symbols at one time by Shift-Clicking: hold the Shift key on the keyboard and click once on the following symbols: Setting, Characters, Major Story Events, Main Problem, and Resolution.
19. Release the Shift key and notice that these symbols now have square “handles” surrounding them.
20. Look at the Symbol Palette located on the left side of the Inspiration window. (Note: If the Symbol Palette does not appear, go up to the View menu and select Symbol Palette.) Inspiration comes with many symbol libraries, which can be accessed using the triangle buttons at the top of the Symbol Palette:

21. Find the diamond symbol from the Basic symbol library. Click on it, and the selected symbols in the story map will instantly change to the diamond shape.
22. Click on any empty white space in the Inspiration window. The symbols will no longer be highlighted.

Viewing as an Outline

Inspiration presents ideas as a graphic organizer (Diagram view) and as an outline (Outline view).

To view the story map as an outline:
23. Move from the Diagram view to the Outline view by clicking the Outline button in the toolbar at the top of the screen in the Diagram view.

It is possible to add information while in the Outline view by clicking on the Add Topic button and typing the new information. New information added in the Outline view will appear in new symbols upon return to the Diagram view.

24. To switch back to Diagram view, click the Diagram button on the top left corner of the toolbar.

Printing an Inspiration Document

To print an Inspiration document, it is convenient to have the entire document on one page.
25. From the File menu, choose Page Setup, and then select the Layout tab.
26. Select Portrait or Landscape orientation, and Fit to 1 Page. (Note: In Inspiration 7, this is the default setting.)
27. Inspiration 7 automatically adjusts to print in black and white.
28. Select Print Preview.
29. Select Print. In the Print window, click OK.

Saving an Inspiration Document

30. To save a document, choose Save As from the File menu.

31. In the Save in box, click the downward-facing arrow and choose a location from the scrolling list.
32. Type a name for the file in the File name box.
33. Click the Save button. (Information from both Diagram and Outline views, as well as any Notes, will be saved.)
34. Note: In the Save as type box, it is possible to save an Inspiration 7 file as an Inspiration 6 file. This is helpful if both versions of the software are in the building.

Additional Features in Inspiration 7.0

Using the RapidFire Feature

1. RapidFire is an excellent tool to use when brainstorming. If there are several topics to go with a main idea or several subtopics to go with a topic, use the RapidFire button to enter information quickly. Select the symbol that needs to have links created from it, click on the RapidFire button, and let the brainstorming begin. Here is how to begin a new web for brainstorming:
a. Open Inspiration.
b. In the Main Idea symbol, type “Geometric Shapes”.
c. Click on the RapidFire button located on the Toolbar.
d. Notice that a lightning flash appears after the words “Geometric Shapes” in the selected symbol.
e. Type “Square”.
f. Press Enter. Within a second or two after the Enter key is pressed, the new entry will appear in a linked symbol.
g. Continue typing the entries “Circle”, “Triangle”, and “Rectangle”, pressing Enter after each word.
h. When finished, de-select the Rapid-Fire feature by clicking away from the selected object or by clicking the RapidFire button.

Using the Notes Feature
1. Inspiration has a Notes feature which allows users to take notes on a variety of topics in an organized, visual, and non-linear manner. To use the Notes feature:
a. Select the symbol you would like to add a Note to.
b. Click the Note button on the main toolbar.
c. The Note will appear in a separate box. You can use this to enter hyperlinks or additional information, including directions.
d. To close the Note, click the box in the upper left hand corner of the Note.
e. Now, the symbol appears with the Note symbol in the upper hand corner.

Using Spell Check

1. Inspiration has a Spell Check feature on the Toolbar in both the Diagram and Outline views. The Spell Check feature allows a spell check of the text in all symbols. To test this feature, click on one of the symbols and misspell a word. Now click on the Spell Check button again.

Using Hyperlinks
1. Link a Website: An Internet address (URL) in an Inspiration organizer or outline will open that site on an internet-enabled computer. To create a hyperlink to a website:
a. In the Diagram View, click in a white space away from story map.
b. Click a Create button arrow to make a new symbol.
c. In this new symbol, type www.nwlg.org/pages/resources/lox .
d. Click in a white space away from the new symbol. This will turn the text into a hyperlink.
e. Now click on the hyperlink. On a computer with Internet access, the Internet browser will open to the designated website.

Note: If clicking on a hyperlink does not connect to the Internet, make sure the appropriate properties in Inspiration are active. Go to the Utility menu and select Application Properties. Both URL Hyperlink Auto-detection and Live Hyperlinks must be checked.

2. Link a File: It is also possible to link to email, a file, or a new Inspiration document. To hyperlink a file:
a. In the Diagram View, click in a white space away from story map.
b. Click a Create button arrow to make a new symbol.
c. Go to the Tools menu and select Hyperlink, then Insert.
d. Select New Inspiration Document.
e. In the Hyperlink Text box, type, “Create your own story map!”
f. Click OK.
g. In the Save box that appears, designate a location, then click Save.
h. The new file will be open. Close it. On the Goldilocks web, the “Create your own story map!” symbol will appear as a hyperlink.

Using the Sound Options

1. Inspiration 7 has three options that provide auditory support: the Listen Tool, Record Sound, and the Talking Interface.

a. To activate all three tools, go to the Utility menu and select Application Properties.
b. In the window, that appears,
c. click to place a check next to each desired tool.
d. The Talking Interface, once activated, speaks the names of the tools, buttons, and symbols. Hover the cursor over an object to hear its name.
e. On a computer with a microphone, use Record Sound to attach a note or narration to a symbol. Select a symbol, go to the Tools menu, select Sound, then select Record. Record and save. The sound file will appear on the symbol as a speaker. Note: use of this tool requires a microphone.
f. The Listen Tool will read the text contained within symbols. Turn this on and off by clicking on the Listen Tool button.

Getting Help

1. Selecting Inspiration Help from the Help menu brings up this screen.

a. Information is grouped by topic and subtopic under the Contents tab. Double-clicking on a topic will reveal a cascading menu of subtopics.
b. To search for a specific topic, click on the Index tab. Then enter a keyword.
c. Online help is also available through this menu. From the Help menu, select Help on the Web.

Formatting Text

1. To format text:
a. Highlight the symbol (click once) you want to format. Use the Formatting toolbar at the bottom of the page to change the font, style, size, and color. (If you don’t see a Formatting toolbar on your screen, go to View>Toolbar>Formatting.)

b. Click once on either the font, size, style, or color and the associated menu will pop up. To change a setting click once, see examples below.

c. To change the text in multiple symbols, use the shift key to highlight symbols.

Formatting Symbols

1. To format symbols:
a. Highlight the symbol (click once) you want to format. Use the Formatting toolbar at the bottom of the page to change the line and background color of the symbol.

b. Click once on either the line or background color and the color palette will appear. Choose a color and then click once on it.

Adding Unrelated Items

1. To add information that is important but unrelated to the topics shown, click on an open white space in the window and begin to type the information. As the text appears on the screen, Inspiration will automatically surround the text with a new symbol, but the symbol will not be linked to any others already in place.

2. Add links later to connect the new symbols to the rest of the diagram. Linking to any symbol is simple.
a. Click on the Link button on the Toolbar at the top of the window.
b. Click once on the symbol from which a link is needed.
c. Click once on the symbol to which the link is needed. A new link will appear as an arrow between the two symbols.

Moving Links

1. Occasionally, a link is incorrectly placed or needs to be redirected. To move or change a link:
a. Click on an existing link (an arrow between two symbols).
b. Press the Delete key on the keyboard to eliminate the link.
c. To re-link to a symbol, click once on the Link button in the Diagram toolbar.
d. Click on the symbol from which the link should extend.
e. Click on the symbol where the link should end. A new link will appear where the items are located on the screen.
f. Inspiration 7 also allows the contact point between an arrow link and the symbol to be moved. Click on the link and hold down the cursor. Drag the link around the edge of the symbol. Grey connection points will be visible. Release the mouse button over the desired contact point.

Adding an Explanation to a Link

1. Each time a link is created, a text box will appear on the link arrow when it is selected. Add text to describe the link connection.

Using Zoom Control

1. Use this feature to re-size the screen. This has no effect on the final printed copy, but it allows for full view or close-up of the screen. Click the Zoom boxes on the Formatting Toolbar at the bottom left corner of the screen to change screen size.

Exporting Inspiration

1. An Inspiration outline can be exported to another program. For example, an outline can be exported to create the basic slides for a slideshow in the Microsoft PowerPoint program. Follow these steps to move the Inspiration outline into PowerPoint.

a. Select the Outline View of the Inspiration story map.
b. Go to the File menu and select Export.
c. Choose Microsoft PowerPoint RTF format and click on the Save button.
d. Open PowerPoint.
e. Select Open an existing presentation.
f. The Open dialog box will appear, select All Files for file type.
g. Navigate to the saved RTF file and click Open.
h. The complete outline will appear with slides created for the main points and bullets for the subtopics.

2. An Inspiration diagram can be exported as an image file and then inserted into another program. For example, a diagram can be exported as a JPG file and then inserted into Word or PowerPoint. Follow these steps to insert an Inspiration diagram into Word.
a. Select the Diagram View of the Inspiration story map.
b. Go to the File menu and select Export.
c. Choose JPG format and click on the Save button. Save the image to the desktop.
d. Open a new Word document and go to the Insert menu and select Picture<From File.

e. Navigate to the desktop and then select the JPG and then click Insert.
f. The image should now appear in the Word document.

Using and Adapting Templates in Inspiration 7.0

1. Templates are ready-made diagrams that contain the format for commonly used organizers. Inspiration Templates are unique because they have been specifically designed for teacher and student use. Templates can be used directly from Inspiration or can be adapted to fit a specific curriculum activity. Newly created Templates can be saved as a new Template. Teachers should become familiar with the Basic Template and then explore the other available templates. To open and use a Template:
a. Open Inspiration. If the “Tip of the Day” appears, click the Close button. The Basic Template will be on the screen.
b. Choose Template from the File menu.
c. Select a Template from the list and click the Open button.
d. To remove directions “How to use the template” click on it to select it. A text box will appear. Press Delete.
e. To remove the text in a symbol, double-click inside the symbol to see a flashing cursor.
f. Press Delete or begin typing new text inside the symbol.
g. To save as a normal document:
• Select Save from the File menu.
• Specify a location.
• Click Save.
h. To save as a new template:
• From the Utilities menu, select Template Wizard.
• Follow the steps in the Wizard to determine specific formatting and features and to name the template.
• Saving to the default location places it in the Templates folder on the computer hard drive.

Using the Checklist Feature

1. Inspiration has a Checklist feature that allows students to mark off items as they complete them. This would be especially helpful during the writing process. To use the Checklist feature:
a. Go to the Tools menu and select Show Checklist.
b. Notice, in the example below, boxes appear in front of the each item in the outline.

Inserting an Image into an Inspiration Web

1. Any image can be imported into an Inspiration web, provided it is copyright free. This is especially helpful when studying a specific topic that doesn’t have related symbols in the symbol library. To insert an image into a web:
a. Find an image and save to My Documents or the Desktop.

b. In the Inspiration web, go to the Edit menu and select Insert Graphic.

c. Browse to find your image and then select Open.
d. The image will now appear in your web.
e. Note: If you would like to paste an image in place of a symbol, select the symbol and then follow the same instructions above.

Inserting an Image into the Symbol Library

1. Any image can be imported into the Symbol Library, provided it is copyright free. This is especially helpful when studying a specific topic that doesn’t have related symbols in the symbol library. To insert an image into the Symbol Library:
a. Find an image(s) and save to My Documents or the Desktop.
b. Open the Inspiration web and go to the Utility Menu and select Edit Symbol Libraries.

c. The Edit Symbol Libraries dialog box will appear, as shown below. Select the New Library button.

d. The Add New Library dialog box will appear. Enter a name in the New Library Name field and click OK.

e. Select the Import Graphic button.
f. Browse to find your image and then select Open.
g. The Symbol Size dialog box will appear. Select the preferred size and then click OK.

h. The image will now appear in new Custom Library.
i. Click once on the image to highlight it, as shown below.
j. Add an appropriate label name for the image and then click OK.

k. The new symbols can now be accessed under the new Custom Library in the Symbol Palette.

Tools in Inspiration 7.0 – Quick Reference

Diagram View Tools

Tool Icon What Tool Does
Switches to Outline view.
Use this button to turn on the RapidFire tool to quickly add links to a topic symbol.
Use this button to add a new symbol.
1. Click to select the symbol to which the new symbol will connect.
2. Click the spoke on the Create button that links in the desired direction.

Use this button to create a new link between two symbols.
1. Click on the Link button.
2. Click once on the symbol from which a link is needed.
3. Click once on the symbol to which the link is needed.
Use this button to set the appearance of the printed diagram. Change the way the diagram cascades.
Use this button to add more detail than is contained on a symbol.
1. Select the symbol to which a note will be added.
2. Click the Add Note button.
3. A separate window opens for typing notes.
4. Click the Close box to close the note.
To see if a note is attached, click once on the symbol. If there is a red square in the top left corner, a note is attached.
Use this button to hyperlink to a webpage, a saved file, or a new Inspiration document.
Use this button to check the spelling in a selection or entire document.
Activate the Listen Tool by going to the Utilities menu, then to Application Properties. Click to select the Listen Tool. To use it, click this button, then click on a symbol to hear the text contained within the symbols.

Use these tools to format text in symbols.
Use these buttons to change colors in selected symbols

Use this to change symbols to a uniform look.
1. Change colors or features in the symbol that is to have the new preferred look.
2. Click to select that symbol.
3. Click the area of the button and select Apply Default to set the replacement color for fill in the selected item. Click the and select Apply Default to set font color in the selected area.
4. Press a directional arrow on one of the Create buttons. A new symbol will appear with the chosen “look.”

Click the down arrow to see a pull-down menu that allows you to select a Draw tool, including:
Text Box, Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Oval, Polygon, Freeform Line, Line
Click on a directional arrow on this Nudge Tool to move a selected symbol incrementally in the chosen direction.
This button allows the screen to be re-positioned at will.
1. Click this button once.
2. Point, click and drag the mouse on any area of the screen. The entire diagram will move accordingly.

Outline View Tools

Tool Icon Tool Name What Tool Does
Diagram Switches to Diagram view
Add Topic Adds a topic below and at the same level as the selected topic
Add Sub Adds subtopics below and one level to the right of the selected topic
Left Moves a topic and its subtopics to the left by one level
Right Moves a topic and its subtopics to the right one level
Add Note Moves the cursor into the Notes text area for the selected topic
Hyperlink Links to a webpage, file, or new Inspiration documents
Spell Check Checks the spelling in a selection or entire document.
Listen Tool Reads the selected topic or subtopic
Hide-Show Hides or shows Subtopics or Notes for the selected topic
Zoom Resizes what appears on the screen; does not affect size for printing

Font, Size and Style Formats font, size, and style of selected Outline text
Topic Defaults Shows default font and style format for selected topic
Prefix Allows changing of the prefix levels for the outline

  رد مع اقتباس
قديم Mar-09-2009, 12:55 AM   المشاركة3

مكتبي جديد

haby_hobo غير متواجد حالياً
العضوية: 28342
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2007
الدولة: السعـوديّة
المشاركات: 7
بمعدل : 0.00 يومياً


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